
Every person who walks through our door is entitled to a free consultation with Dr. Hanft. Just prior to this consultation, you’ll be asked to fill out some paperwork detailing your health history. This information will include past health problems and concerns, family health history, and a variety of other questions designed for two reasons:

  1. So Dr. Hanft can determine if he can help with your condition or meeting your healthcare goals.

  2. To help Dr. Hanft gather information so he can create a treatment plan designed specifically for you.

If you and Dr. Hanft agree to begin care, a thorough physical examination will then be performed. This examination will include a variety of tests to further investigate your current condition and status. It is possible that X-rays may be needed, and these can be done at a local facility of your choice.

Once the health history has been established, examination results and X-rays (if necessary) are completed,  Dr. Hanft will then take all your case findings and apply them in the care he provides. As always, you’ll be encouraged to ask any questions or discuss any concerns you have so Dr. Hanft can address them and alleviate any concerns you may have regarding your treatment.

Visit our FAQs and Myths pages for additional questions or concerns.

First Visit

  • Complimentary consultation

  • Precise and detailed examination

  • X-rays (only if necessary)

As mentioned before, ALL initial consultations are free of charge at Hanft Family Chiropractic. This consultation will consist of questions from Dr. Hanft in an attempt to determine if he can help. The answer to whether he can help or not will most often be “YES”. In general, if you want to begin care at this time, you will schedule a New Patient Exam for a future date.

Dr. Hanft routinely adjusts on the first visit so unless there is a strong reason for not providing an adjustment on the first visit, you should expect to be adjusted.

Second Visit

  • A brief discussion regarding how you responded to care

  • Chiropractic care

The second visit (and thereafter) to our office will be much quicker for you. It will entail a brief history since your last visit, noting any changes that may have taken place. Dr. Hanft will then begin the process of delivering care and helping you meet your healthcare goals. You can expect this visit to last no more than 30 minutes.


Neck Problems?

Visiting a chiropractor can help with your neck pain and discomfort.


Chiropractic care can help with headaches and migraines.